Staff Highlight: Austin

Austin, our wonderful Account Executive, is one of the most organized, positive, and just plain happy people in the world. She has worked in corporate event planning for years, and has this incredible way of being fun, helpful, and the epitome of positivity –...

Staff Highlight: Julia

“…In the short time I have been working here, I have realized the necessity of empathy and understanding. It makes the world go round, especially when you’re dealing with small businesses and wanting lasting marriages. I have become a better friend, mother...

Staff Highlight: Liz

Oh, Liz Franklin. We would not be able to do what we do without Liz Franklin. This girl, in addition to being one of the most wonderful humans on the planet, is one of those people who makes you wonder: “How the heck does she do it?” Liz is a Production...

Staff Highlight: Samantha

Wouldn’t it be cool to have an employee/coworker/friend who could solve any problem, always offer a helpful hand, give you a good laugh, and brighten your day, every day? Enter: Samantha. She does all of the above (and more!) with effortless efficiency,...

Staff Highlight: Michal

Where, oh where would we be without Michal, our Director of Production? She was actually the first person ever hired at The Big Fake Wedding, so she has held pretty much every position at one point or another. Michal is just one of those people who does it all and...

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