Sep 12, 2013 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, Uncategorized
Today is the day Athens gets added to the list of NotWedding party cities! A number of our team graduated from UGA and have some wonderful memories in that fair city. We love the Athens scene in general and can’t wait to party it up with all you fine fiancés and...
Sep 6, 2013 | Event Highlight, Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, Uncategorized
It is time now to take a journey back through the recent past, and give our fans a behind-the-scenes look into The 7th Atlanta NotWedding. Atlanta is the city where it all started, and we’re always stoked to be there. Scroll on to see how our 7th rodeo turned...
Aug 23, 2013 | Promoting Local Businesses, Uncategorized
This week’s vendor of honor is a throwback from The 6th Atlanta NotWedding earlier this year. Joe of O’Studios Photography did an AMAZING job of turning out stunning and unique photos of our bridal party, and we have been continually wowed by him ever...