Sep 25, 2013 | Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, Uncategorized
Ok, family, we’ve got a very important post to share today, so listen up! Today we’ll be highlighting one of our vendors who has been so faithful to come to our events, participate, market himself and be tons of fun, but whose business is inherently...
Sep 18, 2013 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Uncategorized
One of our charming and witty groomsmen from The 7th Atlanta NotWedding got to thinking about the implications of being a groomsman and took it upon himself to contribute some of his thoughts for the good of the NotWedding community. Joe Jones Jr. is a jack of all...
Sep 6, 2013 | Event Highlight, Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, Uncategorized
It is time now to take a journey back through the recent past, and give our fans a behind-the-scenes look into The 7th Atlanta NotWedding. Atlanta is the city where it all started, and we’re always stoked to be there. Scroll on to see how our 7th rodeo turned...
Sep 3, 2013 | Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, Uncategorized
Introducing Katie & Andrew Rasmussen _________________________________________________________________________________ “Knowing I would have some fabulous vendors to help me bring a concept to life, I really wanted to do something this area has not seen...
Aug 30, 2013 | Promoting Local Businesses, Uncategorized
Do any of you remember the stunning video from The 1st Nashville NotWedding?? Well, in case any of you were wondering who was the creative mastermind behind the camera, we’ve got the answers you’ve been looking for. Matt Giesler of Matt G Video was such a...