Oct 17, 2014 | Promoting Local Businesses, The Big Fake Wedding Community, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
“What scares me the most is reaching the end of my life and realizing I lived it scared.” Fun and fearless photographer, Sarah Becker, tries to do something that scares her every day, and we think that’s how life should be lived! It all started with her big move to...
Aug 27, 2014 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, Event Highlight, Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
A big thanks to our friends at Ruffled who inspired us to coin this event “not your mama’s garden party.” The brilliant inspiration colors coupled with the vibrant fanfare of New Orleans culture made Brigette and Jeff’s sweet love shine even...
Aug 25, 2014 | Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Our vendors are incredibly talented and incredibly capable, they can do big things on their own…but we are continuously blown away by their capability of greatness...
Jul 29, 2014 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
“He had my attention from day one, but wooed me for almost six months with fireflies in mason jars, African wild flowers in glass coke bottles, and sweet notes waiting on my windowsill!” This love sounds almost too good to be true, but the magic behind...
Jul 22, 2014 | Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
The matron of wedding etiquette, Emily Post, says “Manner is personality—the outward manifestation of one’s innate character and attitude toward life.” And y’all, does New Orleans have character! This garden, this fabulous gold tablecloth, these...