Jun 13, 2014 | Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
“Well, I wish they hadn’t become extinct, Dinosaurs would be nice pets and friends, To have around to run outside, And play with everyday, don’t you think?” If he could do it again, we are pretty sure that Johnny Cash would get married at the...
Jun 11, 2014 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Julia Child once said, “People who love to eat are always the best people,” and we like to agree with her. The queen of hospitality would be quite proud of this quaint, yet elegant and charming first dinner party. Al fresco dining is always a win, but add...
Jun 10, 2014 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, Event Highlight, Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Tina and Roy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage. Not only did our Orlando vendors impress us big time, but so did our precious couple. We were thrilled to celebrate Tina and Roy’s wedding...
Jun 10, 2014 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, Inspiring Brides and Grooms, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Introducing Allison + Kaleb ___________________________________________________________________________________ Friendly and warm, these photos make you want to take a big, peaceful sigh. It gets us every time a photographer can take the beauty of the natural...
Jun 6, 2014 | Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Nothing puts the icing on the cake of a great wedding like a kick-your-shoes-off, granny-dancing, hot-and-sweaty dance party. If “fun” is a must on your wedding to-do list, then Southern Lovin’ is the band for you. The 2nd Athens NotWedding was such...