Jan 14, 2015 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, Event Highlight, Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, The Big Fake Wedding Community, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Deep pigments, vibrant details, lively guests — this bustling event was so full of energy and life, we’re surprised we didn’t blow the roof off. Can we party in Chattanooga every night? Between the remarkable details, passionate couple, and endless...
Dec 3, 2014 | Promoting Local Businesses, The Big Fake Wedding Community, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Sky high ceilings, warm brick details, Chattanooga sunshine pouring through the walls full of windows — Waterhouse Pavilion, you are seriously stunning. Before we kicked off the first Chattanooga NotWedding, we had the opportunity to get the party started early...