Jul 29, 2014 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
“He had my attention from day one, but wooed me for almost six months with fireflies in mason jars, African wild flowers in glass coke bottles, and sweet notes waiting on my windowsill!” This love sounds almost too good to be true, but the magic behind...
Jul 24, 2014 | The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
She got into events because of her love for design and decorating. The planning is just a very small part of what she does and loves; her passion for serving others is what led her to the service industry. She enjoys meeting new people and helping them plan days that...
Jul 23, 2014 | Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Nonchalantly located under an overpass on the “way north” end of King Street, this industrial space called Butcher & Bee is one of the only BYOB joints in town. Quaint, quirky, and oh-so-delicious…we couldn’t think of a better way to kick...
Jul 22, 2014 | Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
The matron of wedding etiquette, Emily Post, says “Manner is personality—the outward manifestation of one’s innate character and attitude toward life.” And y’all, does New Orleans have character! This garden, this fabulous gold tablecloth, these...
Jul 21, 2014 | Promoting Local Businesses, The NotWedding Community, Uncategorized
Killer space, talented vendors and good food…in a brand new NotWedding city. Seriously, what more could we ask for? Philly knocked our socks off and we already can’t wait to go back. Since we can’t share the event photos quite yet, here’s a...