May 3, 2016 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, Inspiring Brides and Grooms, The Big Fake Wedding Community, Uncategorized
Sarah and Brent met at a wedding that she was photographing and he was attending. Soon into dating, Brent got a job in Georgia (far from Sarah back in Iowa!) After six months of long distance dating, Brent got down on one knee on Driftwood Beach in Jekyll Island....
Apr 11, 2016 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, The Big Fake Wedding Community, Uncategorized
Melissa and Sean met at Pepperdine University in 2003. After several DTRs, one breakup, two cities, and six years of dating, Sean “put on his big boy pants” (direct quote!), and asked for Melissa’s hand. These sweethearts were married on a beautiful ranch in...
Mar 16, 2016 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, The Big Fake Wedding Community, Uncategorized
In January 2011, Malloree and Jordan met in Australia at a missionary training school. They spent six months there, getting to know each other as “friends.” Once the program was over in June, Malloree returned home to Georgia and Jordan to Texas. They gave long...
Mar 9, 2016 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, The Big Fake Wedding Community, Uncategorized
Lauren and Bradley met at the non-profit organization where they both worked. Some mutual friends had encouraged them to meet, so they finally agreed to have coffee and get to know one another. That initial coffee date turned into two weeks straight of date nights...
Mar 2, 2016 | Encouraging Solid Marriages, The Big Fake Wedding Community, Uncategorized
Holly and Richard went to high school together in Memphis but “weren’t friends” (their words). After high school, they both moved away to attend college and begin their professional careers. Fast forward 15 years (!) and Holly and Richard both moved back...