Aug 10, 2015 | Promoting Local Businesses, The Big Fake Wedding Community, Uncategorized
I’m sure you’ve all gathered how much we love small businesses. But when these small businesses also make steps towards making the world a better place? Consider us smitten. Lion’s Thread hires talented women artisans in Uganda to handcraft bow ties...
Apr 14, 2015 | Inspiring Brides and Grooms, Promoting Local Businesses, The Big Fake Wedding Community, Uncategorized
Thinking about your wedding dress, your veil, your shoes, your jewelry, and how it’s all going to look together is a big decision. We totally get it. But let’s put a pin in all of that for a sec and focus on the groom (oh yeah, him!) – who wants to...
Apr 10, 2015 | Promoting Local Businesses, The Big Fake Wedding Community, Uncategorized
“The pivotal moment in our career as a business honestly was being a part of The Big Fake Wedding…it really made our business real to us for the first time. The connections and friendships we made at The Big Fake Wedding were unlike any other; everyone is...