Blake and Amanda were set up by a friend who had been trying to introduce the two for months. One night, their friend hosted a little get-together and invited both Blake and Amanda. When Amanda arrived she just so happened to have a seat reserved right next to Blake! Despite the fact that they had found themselves in a clear set-up, they really hit it off that night and within the next week or so, Blake asked her on a date. They dated for a year before getting engaged, and said ‘I Do’ six months later! We are so excited to celebrate Amanda + Blake at The Big Fake Wedding Houston!
What was the most unique part of your engagement story? From him: The series of events leading up to the wedding were spectacular. I surprised her by flying her to Athens, GA for a friend reunion and celebration with all her college friends. What was the absolute best memory from your wedding day? From her: My absolute favorite memory from our wedding day was when we were in the middle of our ceremony and I started to feel like it was just us talking with our pastor. I had so hoped that people would see the way God’s love for us looks through our ceremony and I felt like it was happening. I was so excited and into the moment that I forgot about everyone else for a little bit and just remember looking at Blake. It became this great image of what we hope for- that people would look at us and see God’s love. From him: Nothing can compare to seeing your bride walk through the doors and come down the aisle to meet you. What is the best gift you have ever given each other? The best gift Blake has ever given me was such a well thought-out engagement weekend. He covered everything he could think of and did a phenomenal job celebrating our new life together! It was such a fun and special weekend!! The best gift I’ve ever given him (I think) would be a special hunting trip as part of our wedding present. He loves hunting, and for me, watching him get SO excited about seeing exotic animals was so worth sitting in the cold. What is the most awesome thing about your marriage? From her: The most awesome thing about our marriage is that it works the best when we aren’t focused on ourselves. When we are focused on showing each other more of the way Jesus loves us, I believe our marriage works liked it was designed to. I once heard a talk by Andy Stanley that has resonated with me since high school- he explained that the person you are going to marry needs to be the person that you want to serve and to forgive for the rest of your life. In marriage, both serving and forgiving are necessary every day and work way better when you aren’t overly concerned with your own interests. From him: Everyday we fall deeper in love with each other. Our relationship continues to grow, and we can see how the Lord is molding our lives together, and lasting impact on us individually and the people around us. What advice would you give an engaged couple? From her: The advice I would give an engaged couple would be to slow down and enjoy the process. The wedding itself is an amazing time to celebrate, but you are also preparing for more than just a wedding- you have a lifetime together! Make the time in your wedding planning process to talk through what life will be like after the wedding. Healthy communication is foundational to a healthy relationship- communicate thoroughly, early and often. Have a lot of fun and give yourselves a lot of grace! From him: Always fight for your spouse – good, bad, up, down – you’re a team and you’re each others biggest fans. Know that external forces will try to corrupt what God has joined, and therefore, invest your best time and effort into each other and into prospering your marriage. |
Photo Credits:
Lauren Carnes Photography (1, 2, 6) | George Street Photography (3, 5)
We invite you to join us at The Big Fake Wedding Houston, Thursday night at Waters Edge Venue! There are still a few tickets available so grab yours here now!