The love between Carrie Anne and Chris knows no bounds. After their life-changing first date, this couple spent the next 14 months stretching their relationship across the continent and three time zones. After facing this challenge — not to mention the true test, mingling his Cuban/Guatemalan family with her Southern, sweet tea-drinking folks – they knew they were meant to be. With strong faith in their hearts and San Diego sunshine on their faces, Carrie Anne and Chris are living the life and living it in love. Just the way we like it.
We are so excited to celebrate Carrie Anne and Chris as they tie the NOT at the third San Diego NotWedding at the San Diego Museum of Art tonight! We hope that you will join us for the party – there are a few tickets left here.
On a very busy afternoon in Atlanta, GA in September 2012, I received a text message from some close friends that I was to clear my schedule and come to dinner. They had been attending a church planter’s conference and wanted me to meet a new friend they met there who lived in California. With no other knowledge than the high likelihood that he was a pastor and they thought this was a match made in heaven, I said yes and was hoping for a great night with a California guy that might forever change my life…or he’d leave the next morning and I’d never see him again.
That night over an amazing Cuban meal ordered by my Spanish speaking soon-to-be husband began the love affair of my life. For the next 14 months, Chris and I spent countless hours on the phone, staring into each other’s eyes on video calls and sleeping on air planes as we stretched our relationship across the continent and three time zones. Marrying Chris meant I was going to uproot my southern ways and transplant them in the laid back world of Southern California where SEC football is a foreign concept and white is worn no matter what time of year it is. His Cuban/Guatemalan family collided with my Southern sweet tea drinking family at a beautiful antebellum home just outside of Atlanta, GA on November 16th and till death do we part began.
We made the three-day drive to San Diego a couple weeks later arriving December 3rd. For the last eleven months we’ve immersed ourselves in a city full of sunshine, breweries, wineries, beaches and amazing people. Chris spent five years in Chicago planting a church before we met and is looking to do the same here in San Diego, so we spend our days driving through neighborhoods and dreaming and praying about how God might use us to grow his kingdom here. I brought my job from Atlanta out here and work remotely while he splits his time between the seminary he graduated from eight years ago serving their alumni and being the Church Planting Intern at our church, The Resolved.

Photo Credit:
Lindsay Joy Photography
We invite you to join us as Carrie Anne and Chris will be tying the NOT at the third San Diego NotWedding tonight at the San Diego Museum of Art. There are still a few tickets available so grab yours here now!