Megan and Christian met in the summer of 2008 coincidentally (or not so coincidentally) when repeatedly out with friends. Their story is one of unexpected love – found when they both were not looking. Through the years, they learned how deeply they truly loved each other and took time to ensure they were committed to taking marriage seriously. They were married in June of this year(!) and strongly believe that their story of redeeming love was knit to show God’s character to others.

We are thrilled to celebrate Megan and Christian as they tie the NOT at the very first Portland NotWedding at the Barn at Flanagan Farm on Wednesday night! We hope that you will join us for the party – grab your ticket here.



What is the best memory from your wedding day? 

One of the best memories from my wedding day was the gifts given to me by my parents. My mother is Swedish and Swedish tradition states that mothers and fathers would give their daughter a gold and silver coin to be placed in her shoe to symbolize prosperity for the future marriage and family. My mother gave me a gold coin and my father a silver one for my shoes. My aunt also gave my mother who gave me a small handkerchief that was my great-grandmothers – to be passed down as tradition through the years when my daughter and future daughters marry.

The absolute best memory from my wedding day was that my mother (who has never danced in her life), danced to “YMCA” by The Village People. Even better, there are several photos/video to capture the perfect moment.


What is the best gift that Christian has ever given you? 

The best gift Christian has ever given me is his heart. Christian is a love-able, giving, handsome, standup man who lets few people in to the deep places of his heart. He has given me the privilege of knowing him on a level so few in his life experience.

What is the best date that you two have been on? 

The best date Christian and I ever had was our first. My thoughts were, “this won’t go anywhere, but hey – free dinner.” His thoughts were “who is the woman I’ve never met – mysterious.” Without expectations I was free to enjoy the evening regardless of what happened or didn’t happen and I was surprisingly shocked. Light-hearted conversation turned to attraction and interest very quickly. Terribly I had lined up another date for later that evening and had to scramble to cancel as I was so taken with Christian’s personality. I patiently awaited the ‘post first date call’ for 48 hours. I had butterflies when he did call and asked to see me again. Such a change of thoughts and emotions from 48 hours prior to our date!

The best date we ever had was definitely the first for it was not a boring mundane dinner. The woman across the table from me had personality and sparked my interest. It was that night that I knew I would marry her.


What advice would you give to an engaged couple? 

The advice I would give to an engaged couple is patience. To be patient and always remember that love will endure forever. Patience will keep you from saying things that can’t be unsaid and doing things that can’t be undone. Patience is the common ground that successful marriages are grown from.

Photo Credits (1 + 3):
t.Dow Photography


We invite you to join us as Megan and Christian will be tying the NOT at the first Portland NotWedding on Wednesday night at the Barn at Flanagan Farm. There are still tickets available so grab yours here now!

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The Big Fake Wedding
It took us a week to recover from the amazing display of vendor kindness and generosity that we saw last week. Houston, let’s do that again next year! 

Special thanks to these star vendors: 

Bar @mmkmixology
Catering @uptown_catering_houston
Champagne cart @champagneproblemshtx
Table Design @peerlesseventsandtents
Ceremony Backdrop, Bouquet @all.the.pretty.things.htx
Hair and Makeup @katymobilestudio
Live Painter @renderedmoments
Menswear @suitshopofficial
Sparkling Mineral Water @topochicousa
DJ, Videographer, Photographer @completehouston
Photographer @cedarandsagestudios
Photographer @Anchorstudiostx
Photobooth @eventsbydukephotobooth
Travel @routesandrevelry 
Venue @tribecahtx
Wedding Dress @grace_loves_lace

#houstontx #houstonweddings #texaswedding #weddinginspo
❤️marriage goals 👉🏽 “we didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun” w.t.p.

#weddinginspiration #marriagegoals
Houston, we’re headed your way….what should we pack? Are boots and sweater dresses totally out of the question?? 

Snag your wedding show tickets today…we are almost sold out! 

#weddingexpo #weddinginspiration
👋🏻guys! We’ve been on a summer sabbatical. We’re back. What’d we miss? Are we all still doing this IG thing? 

But seriously..we want to know, with such a BUSY social media feed..what do you want to see from us? Vote with a comment below 👇🏽 

❤️ wedding inspo: florals, attire, design, invitations 
❤️ marriage conversations
❤️ Local vendor highlights
Saying “I do” among the greatest literary geniuses in Romanticism…where my 📚 🐛 at? #nationalbookloversday 

BAND  @liontigerband 


BRIDAL FLATS @rescueflats 

BRIDAL COACHING Mindfully Ever After 


BRIDESMAID ATTIRE @bellabridesmaids

CATERING  @haloandhornscatering 

CHALK BOARD RENTALS @jnchalkandco 

COOKIE BAR  @littleredkitchen 


HAIR + MAKEUP  @textbookbeautyhq 

HAIR ACCESSORIES  @genevieveroseatelier 

HOTEL  @thewilliamvale 

ICE CREAM BAR | @coolhaus 


INVITATIONS : AUTUMNAL FOLIAGE | @oxfordcommacompany 

INVITATIONS : WATERCOLOR FLORAL  @redletterdayinvitations 

JEWELRY  @vanessaliannejewelry 

MEN’S ACCESSORIES  @sprezzabox 


MOBILE BAR  @hudsontrailercompany 

PHOTOBOOTH  @uniqueeventdjs 

PHOTOGRAPHY  @aminafordphotography 

PHOTOGRAPHY @neverthereyet 

RIDESHARE  @letskedaddle 

SIGNAGE  @alexgreco_lettering 

TABLE ACCENTS  @inkandhoneynyc 

TRAVEL  @honeymoons_and_getaways 

VENUE  @brooklynhistory 

WEDDING CAKE  @petal_dust_cakery 

WEDDING DRESS  @pennyprincessbridal
Pour us another latte…we are gearing up for The Big Fake Wedding Houston in October. And between us, we’re partial to fall weddings…

Ticket link in bio, come “plan hard, play hard” with us! 

#thebigfakewedding #houstontx #planhardplayhard #fallwedding
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