Be bold. Whether your family is helping with the budget or not, its time the have the tough conversation about the topic that people generally avoid: money. Find out how much people will be providing. If you are uncertain if someone will be chipping in (i.e. a set of grandparents or two) do not include them in your budget. That way if they do send a check you have some cushion for your budget.
Be honest with yourself. Everyone knows that when your dreams and expectations do not meet up with the reality of the situation it can be heartbreaking. If your budget cannot afford you the chocolate fountains and crystal chandeliers, it is okay to be upset but don’t let it get you down! Whatever décor you end up with will perfect for you and your day.
Decide the things that are most important. One of the biggest things that Matthew and I had to decide was whether we wanted keep our number of invites small so we could splurge on food or if we wanted to be able to invite all our closest friends and go more casual with dinner. So start a discussion with your fiancé and decide the things that you are willing to give and take on.
Be organized and know where your money is going! The first thing I did after Matthew and I got engaged (well, after a Pinterest spree) was to create a budget. I learned early on in college that money disappears quickly if you are not conscious of where it is going. Through an online search you can find many resources for pre-made budgets; just be sure to keep up with any deposits made and dates to make next deposits.
Make a Plan B. Finally, know that sometimes things don’t work out, especially with a budget. If you blow your budget in one area, you will have to cut in another. Prepare yourself for those times with a back up plan.